mayors message

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant in life.” Boy, isn’t that the truth? As I reflect back on just the last 5 years, change on every level seems to be exponential. I don’t need to enumerate all the ways in which the world around us has changed, we see it everywhere. Our fair City is no exception to the constant forward inertia.

You may have noticed the ongoing changes at Heritage Park. Work continues on the new amphitheater as well as new landscaping, playgrounds, additional restroom, meditation garden, additional parking and a beautiful welcoming entrance are some of the changes that were made with you, the Cedar Hills resident in mind. We want everyone to have a place in the City where you can relax, enjoy, recreate, and connect right here in town. I remember when Heritage Park was originally opened! It had such a cozy, woodsy feel, and we really tried to upgrade amenities while maintaining the original intent of the park.

Another change that is happening in the City is an open City Council seat to be filled, created when Councilmember McEwen announced her resignation in February. The City Council is the body that helps to shape the future growth and changes in the City, and I know that particular care has been taken in all of our decisions, whether large or small. This opening creates an opportunity for one of you to be a part of the exciting experience, so if you feel so inclined, please go to the City website: and scroll down to “City Council Vacancy” on the home page to fill out an application. The deadline is March 14th at 12pm.

And as always, we invite any and all residents to attend our regular City Council meetings (schedule is on the website) to stay up to date on the decisions that affect you. As Kofi Annan former Secretary-General of the UN said, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”

- Mayor Andersen

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